- Origin: Mainland China
- Brand: VEVOR
- Voltage: 110V-240V
- Input power: 3.6W-200W
- Blade size: 100MM / 110MM / 125MM
- Cutting height: 27MM / 32MM / 39MM
- Speed: 600/800/1000/1200/1400 RPM (5 levels adjustable)
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![fabric cutter,rotary fabric cutter,100mm](https://www.jinlantrade.com/ebay/WXCJJ100LDCJD0001/fabric-cutter-a100-1.jpg)
Product Description:
Features & Details
- 【PREMIUM QUALITY】- The blades are made of high-quality, sharp steel blades, sharp-cut and durable. The life of the fabric cutter has been greatly improved because it adopts the advanced servo motor as a power system as well as the direct-drive gearless transmission mode.
- 【ERGONOMIC DESIGN】- The handle of the rotary fabric cutter adopts the ergonomics design with reasonable structure and more comfortable to hold. Miniature high-torque drive blades and non-reduction gearing make the motor energy efficient.
- 【HIGH SAFETY PERFORMANCE】- The outer cover of the blade is equipped with a protective cover. The thicker design is safer and prevents accidental injury. Miniature high torque servo motor as a power system, no carbon brush sparks can be applied in places with open flame restrictions, eliminating fire hazards.
- 【SHARPENING DEVICE】- The electric rotary cutter is designed with a sharpening stone device. The sharpening stone can be replaced as needed without disassembling the blade, which is fast and convenient.
- 【WIDE APPLICATION】- The electric scissors for cutting fabric is essential equipment for the garment, umbrella, and shoemaking industries. The electric fabric cutter machine has a wide range of cutting, such as cotton, wool, silk, chemical fiber, leather, and other fabrics.
Key Features
High-quality Steel Blade
The electric rotary cutter for fabric uses high-quality steel blades, which are sharp and durable with long service life.
Automatic Whetstone
The cloth cutting machine is designed with a sharpening stone device. It can be replaced as needed without disassembling the blade, fast and convenient.
User-friendly Design
The handle of the electric cloth cutter accords with ergonomic design for easy handling and operation. The reasonable structure makes it more comfortable to use.
Thick Solid Base
Thickened base, more reliable and stable, makes the electric fabric cutter run more smoothly in the process of cutting.
Reliable Blade Guard
The outer edge of the blade is equipped with a protective cover. The thickened design is safer and avoids accidental injury.
Various Application
The electric cutter for fabric is essential equipment for the garment, suitable for cutting batches of the fabric of cotton, wool, linen, leather, etc.
![fabric cutter,rotary fabric cutter,100mm](https://www.jinlantrade.com/ebay/WXCJJ100LDCJD0001/fabric-cutter-a100-2.jpg)
The electric rotary cutter adopts the high-quality, sharp steel blades. Miniature high-torque drive blades and non-reduction gearing make the motor energy efficient. As a piece of essential equipment for the garment, it widely applicable in clothing, paper, carpet, craft, gift, furniture, umbrella, hat industry, etc.
- Premium Quality
- Ergonomic Design
- Sharpening Device
- High Safety Performance
Package Content
- Voltage: 110V-240V
- Input power: 3.6W-200W
- Blade size: 100mm
- Cutting height: 27mm
- Speed: 600/800/1000/1200/1400 RPM (5 levels adjustable)
- Gross Weight:2.43kg(5.35lbs)
- Package Size:31 x 22 x 14cm/12.2 x 8.66 x 5.51inch
Package Content
- 1 x Fabric Cutting Machine
- 1 x Lithium Battery Set
- 1 x Blade
- 1 x Grinding Wheel
- 1 x Screwdriver
- 1 x Washer
- 1 x Abrasive Belt
- 1 x English Manual
![fabric cutter,rotary fabric cutter,110mm](https://www.jinlantrade.com/ebay/WXCJJ110LDCJD0001/fabric-cutter-a100-2.jpg)
The electric rotary cutter adopts the high-quality, sharp steel blades. Miniature high-torque drive blades and non-reduction gearing make the motor energy efficient. As a piece of essential equipment for the garment, it widely applicable in clothing, paper, carpet, craft, gift, furniture, umbrella, hat industry, etc.
- Premium Quality
- Ergonomic Design
- Sharpening Device
- High Safety Performance
Package Content
- Voltage: 110V-240V
- Input Power: 3.6W-200W
- Blade Size: 110mm
- Cutting Height: 32mm
- Speed: 600/800/1000/1200/1400 RPM (5 levels adjustable)
- Gross Weight:1.94kg(4.27lb)
- Package Size:31 x 21 x 13cm/12.2 x 8.26 x 5.11inch
Package Content
- 1 x Fabric Cutting Machine
- 1 x Lithium Battery Set
- 1 x Blade
- 1 x Grinding Wheel
- 1 x Screwdriver
- 1 x Washer
- 1 x Abrasive Belt
- 1 x English Manual
![fabric cutter,rotary fabric cutter,125mm,](https://www.jinlantrade.com/ebay/WXCJJ125LDCJD0001/fabric-cutter-a100-2.jpg)
125 mm Rotary Fabric Cutter
The electric cutter features with powerful AC motor. You’ll be able to cut through up to 1/4 inch of material. A well-designed adjustable knife-guard ensures the reliable and stable operation of the cloth cutter. The lightweight, aluminum footplate is extra thin to allow for a precise and smooth cutting experience.
- Adjustable Speed
- Sharpening Blade
- Ergonomic Design
- High Security Device
Package Content
- Voltage: 110V-240V
- Input power: 3.6W-200W
- Blade size: 125 mm
- Cutting height: 39 mm
- Speed: 600/800/1000/1200/1400 RPM (5 levels adjustable)
- Gross Weight:2.75 kg(6.06 lbs)
- Package Size:31 x 22 x 14 cm/12.2 x 8.66 x 5.51 inch
Package Content
- 1 x Fabric Cutting Machine
- 1 x Lithium Battery Set
- 1 x Blade
- 1 x Grinding Wheel
- 1 x Screwdriver
- 1 x Washer
- 1 x Abrasive Belt
- 1 x English Manual
Color |
100 mm Blade ,110 mm Blade ,125 mm Blade |
Origin |
Mainland China |
Brand |
Voltage |
110V-240V |
Input power |
3.6W-200W |
Blade size |
100MM / 110MM / 125MM |
Cutting height |
27MM / 32MM / 39MM |
Speed |
600/800/1000/1200/1400 RPM (5 levels adjustable) |
Ships From |
GERMANY ,Mexico ,Russian Federation ,UNITED KINGDOM ,United States ,France ,Poland ,Spain ,CZECH REPUBLIC ,Australia ,canada |
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