50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast

(18 customer reviews)


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Ships Globally from China

  • Set Type: no
  • Type of Wholesale: no
  • Model Number: 98745
  • Origin: Mainland China
Name: Poached dye/Direct dye/high temperature dye
Description: Boiled direct dyes refer to dyes that can be directly dissolved in water and have high directivity to cellulose fibers without the use of chemical methods to color fibers and other materials.
Packing: Bag, each bag 10g, 20g, 50g
Scope of application: Suitable for tie-dye dyeing, solid color dyeing, clothing renovation, etc
Yield: Each bag of dye can dye white cloth 200~500 grams
Shelf life: Stored in a cool and sealed place for 6 months

[Operation Methods and steps]
①. Boil the water to 80~95 degrees, and then put in the dye and powder mixing evenly, the amount of water in addition to the reference ratio, to be dyed does not come out of the water can be;
②. Put the cloth with tied patterns into it for boiling and dyeing (the same is also true for clothing renovation). During the dyeing process, the water should be heated all the time (it is better to keep it between 80 and 95 degrees as far as possible), and in order to make the dyeing more uniform, the dyed matter needs to be constantly turned. The whole cooking and dyeing process takes about 20 minutes. Halfway (about 10 minutes) add the corresponding brightening agent to cook and dyeing together to improve the color brightness; ③ After boiling and dyeing for about 20 minutes, remove the dye and clean the floating color with cool water.
(Tip: after cleaning, add 10 grams of softener and 40 degrees warm water to soak for 30 ~ 60 minutes, which can make the cloth softer);

Additional information






Set Type


Type of Wholesale


Model Number



Mainland China

Number of Colors

Direct dye

Reviews (18)
18 reviews

18 reviews for 50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast

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  1. V***N

    Краску получил,беру второй раз,но ситуация таже,плохая упаковка,т.е.грязная,нужно аккуратно брать,чтобы не испачкать руки…

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  2. 24loop Shopper

    excelente, antes de la fecha de entrega.

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  3. М***а

    круто очень ахиххихаххпхихпххахиххихпхпхипххтхпхпххихрхпхрххихпхахпхмєихахзпзизаєєпєихрхпххпхрхпхпххрхр

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  4. M***s

    Tardo bastante en llegar. Yo he lavado mis fundas de cojín que eran gris oscuro y se han quedado negras. En el programa largo a 40° con sal fina.

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  5. p***r

    пока непробывал покрашу отпишу

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  6. L***a

    Порошок пришел очень быстро, но ещё не использовала, поэтому отзывом поделюсь чуть позже. Добавлю фото до и после

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  7. s***r

    Зовні ніби відповідно опису, ще не використовувала, тому що вже немає потреби у товарі( Доставка дууууже довга – 40 днів !

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  8. G***a


    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  9. H***r

    Good packaging
    I’m yet to try

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  10. v***r

    посылка пришла хорошо упакована. Джинсы покрасились

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  11. М***а


    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  12. s***e

    Fast delivery. Got it by May 8 as against the expected June. Fairly packaged.
    Yet to use.
    Would add review of its performance when I use

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  13. 24loop Shopper

    товар отримав згідно встановленої дати. ще не випробував. все прийшло цілим але запаковано слабенько.

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  14. 24loop Shopper

    Краска супер, добре справляється зі своєю задачею. Замовляю вже другий раз. Доставка довга. Ціна приємна

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
    Helpful? 0 0
  15. O***k

    Дуже довга доставка поштою економ – 38 днів. У нас в країні не відстежується. Ще не пробував фарбувати, бо чекаю фіксатор, який теж на черепахах їде..

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  16. t***g

    잘 받았습니다. 배송 빨랐고요. 아직 안 써봤는데 잘 되길 바랄 뿐입니다. 감사합니다. 잘 쓸께요. 수고하세요. 아직 안 써봤는데. 잘 되겠죠. 배송은 빨라서 마음에 들었습니다. 수고하세요.

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  17. 24loop Shopper

    Пакетик з фарбою прийшов надійно запакований. доставка довга. ще не використовувала. товар відповідає опису

    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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  18. K***a


    50g Black Fabric Dye Clothing Dedicated Refurbished Colorant Diy Cotton Hemp Jeans Canvas Pigment Tie-dye Color Fixing Fast
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