C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out

(38 customer reviews)


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Ships Globally from China

  • Input/Output: USB
  • Sound Mode: Standard Mode
  • Category: Speakers
  • Use: Home
  • Input Power(W): <25 W
  • Voice Control: No
  • Frequency Range: 20Hz-2KHz
  • Output Power: Other
  • Display Screen: Yes
  • Waterproof: No
  • Support APP: No
  • Support Memory Card: Yes
  • Material: Plastic
  • Playback Function: Radio,mp3,Other
  • Remote Control: No
  • Support Apt-x: No
  • Intelligent Personal Assistant: NONE
  • Display Screen: Yes
  • Built-in Microphone: Yes
  • Audio Crossover: Full-Range
  • Number of Loudspeaker Enclosure: 1
  • Power Source: Battery
  • PMPO: 3W
  • Channels: 1
  • Feature: None
  • Battery: Yes
  • Communication: USB
  • Speaker Type: Portable
  • Cabinet Material: Plastic
  • Brand Name: tongboxin
  • Origin: Mainland China
  • Certification: NONE

Notes:the USB cable is just used for charge,it can't work if there is no battery


FM radio TF card play USB disk play LED flashlight


FM frequency:87.5MHz~108MHz

Rated power: 3w

Frequency response: 20Hz~20KHz

MP3 bit rate: 8K bps~320K bps

Distortion: <+-0.55%

SNR: 85db



Battery: Support two 18650 battery


1. with 2 battery:

2x1200mAh 18650 battery

1x C803 speaker

1x USB cable

2.with 1 battery:

1x1200mAh 18650 battery

1x C803 speaker

1x USB cable

3.without battery:(not include battery,you need to prepare the battery yourself)

1x C803 speaker

1x USB cable

4. 2 battery+TF card

1x32G C10 TF card

2x1200mAh 18650 battery

1x C803 speaker

1x USB cable

It can work with one battery or two batteries, and it can last longer time with two battery, please consider how many batteries do you want.

1. How to charge: connect the USB cable to a phone charger or computer and then it will get charged;

2. How to use the FM radio: switch to the FM mode and long press the play key, it will search the radio station and save it automatically, only the first time you need to search the radio station, it can save 50 radio station and you can select them by the number key.

3. How to play music in the sd card or usb disk: insert a sd card or a usb disk and it will play it automatically, this device can insert two sd card, long press the "next" and "prev" key to fast forward / fast reverse

A batter bass sound performance with the bass diaphragm design

Can last longer time with two battery

please use a battery as the picture if you prepare yourselft:

This c-803 speaker doesn't has bluetooth function,our new arrival speaker T-889S has bluetooth function,you can click the picture below to learn more about it:

Reviews (38)
38 reviews

38 reviews for C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out

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  1. E***o

    При погодинних відключеннях світла незамінна річ. В радіо використовується батарейка с2023. Зробив переклад інструкції українською. Ми й в темряві бачимо, що вони москальські сволоти.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  2. А***в

    Ну очень хороший приемник, плейер и блютус колонки за такие деньги, возможность установки двух акб 18650

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 1 0
  3. 24loop Shopper

    Супер приймач! Дуже якісний звук, чутливий прийом радіостанцій. Важливо! Акумулятори 18650 повинні мати на «+» виступ! Якщо виступу немає, то акумулятор не підключиться

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  4. L***N

    приїхало маленьке на 2 акумулятора значить буде довго працювати чи робить флешка ще не пробував попробую напишу

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 1 0
  5. S***o

    The radio did not turn on after installing the 18650 into the bay. The device has a defect on the plus contact side. The Plus contact plate is loose and does not seal against the Plus 18650 battery. I had to insert a seal between the case and the contact plate to make contact. All other characteristics: USB mini cards work perfectly. The sound is good and loud. The controls and settings are convenient.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 1 0
  6. A***i

    посилка прийшла вовремя і целая спасибо продавцу очень хорошо упакованная радио работает очень хорошо флешка работает хорошо фонарик работает хорошо рекомендую

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  7. A***i

    небольшое радио, звук чистый. до этого брала похожее но более квадратное и с одним аккумулятором (на старом казался звук шире чем чут). из минусов: как тут писали небольшая антена, но для города сойдёт. из плюсов: два аккумулятора, красивый внешний вид, фонарик, читает с usb, компактное

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 1 0
  8. V***o

    Супер радіо!Прийшло гарно запаковане,не ушкоджено,з двома зарядженими батарейками 18650,звук чистий,приймає добре,приємний дизайн,ліхтарик світе досить яскраво,працює по блютуз з айфоном добре.Товаром задоволений,раджу магазин та товар.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  9. 24loop Shopper

    Received in good Condition.. just Change Channel ,Speaking in Chinese..

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  10. d***d

    Очень благодарю продавца! прислали за 11 дней в северную Европу, порадовали. аппаратик очень хороший и качественный с 2 аккумуляторами как и заказывал! играет для своего размера хорошо! доволен! рекомендую!
    конечно тетка робот что говорит при включении и переключении немного бесит но терпимо. насмешила инструкция полностью на китайском языке, придется учить китайский язык)))) вобщем всё супер! рекомендую!)

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  11. Y***o

    як завжди продавець бистро відправив. бистро доставили. беру не перший раз. продавцеві дякую та рекомендую до покупки. дуже гарний прийомник.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  12. S***a

    Радіо дуже сподобалось ,маленьке але звучить гарно, всі функції працюють. узкіє 3.14дараси згорять в пеклі разом зі своїм путлером ! Україна переможе !!!

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  13. V***j

    хороший приёмник, беру второй такой. всё работает, продавца рекомендую.
    Слава Китаю, всё будет Китай!
    Слава АлиЭкспресс!

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 2 0
  14. S***v

    радиоприёмник получил, до этого заказывал в 2019 году но там не было функций блютуза А здесь она есть вообще по качеству приемник очень суперский, тем более можно поставить два АКБ 18650 что делает его автономность ну очень сильно. рекомендую покупки не пожалеете.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  15. K***a

    Прекрасне радіо! Незважаючи на маленький розмір має дуже гарний звук.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 1 0
  16. A***y

    Доставка в Украину 15 дней. Радио хорошего качества, звук чистый и громкий, басов не хватает. Коробка была в воздушной упаковке, без повреждений. Товар и продавца рекомендую.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  17. Б***ч

    хороший аппарат? звук чистый, блютуз коннектит ,радио фурычит, единственное регулятор звука регулирует наоборот! раздражает женский голосовой комментарий при переключении режимов работы аппарата!(по китайски)!

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0
  18. f***r

    Супер радио ,рекомендую,ловит фм даже за городом .Брал без батарей ,поставил свои хорошые,на сколько хватает заряда не могу сказать но работало каждый день в течении 2х недель и не село .Доставка быстрая ,около 2х недель.

    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    C-803 Support Two 18650 Battery Two TF Card Portable MP3 Radio Speaker Super Bass TF USB FM Player LED Torch 3.5mm Earphone Out
    Helpful? 0 0

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