Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe

(38 customer reviews)


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  • Origin: Mainland China

• Stainless Steel Material :Made of durable stainless steel, this pipe dredger is rust-resistant and easy to clean.

• High-Pressure Dredging Tool :With its high-pressure feature, this pipe dredger can efficiently remove clogging and blockages in pipes.

• Thickened Wall Cylinder :The thickened wall cylinder design ensures that this pipe dredger can withstand high pressure and prevent bursting.

• Safe and Sturdy :This pipe dredger is designed to be safe and sturdy, ensuring that it can be used without causing any damage to your pipes or property.


1. At the beginning, the product needs to press the handle continuously and quickly.

2. After pressing the handle seven or eight times, the barometer will slowly rise.

3. When the air pressure increases to the appropriate value, it can be used

Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe

1.Please pay attention to safety when using, avoid injury

2.Do not use the nozzle to people to avoid injury

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Mainland China

Reviews (38)
38 reviews

38 reviews for Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe

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  1. I***g

    예상 배송일자보다 조금 늦게 도착했네요. 얼마전에 변기가 막혀 고생해서 하나구매해 봤습니다. 막히지 않은 변기에 작동해 봐서 정확하게는 모르겠지만 그래도 압력은 상당히 좋네요. 게다가 여러가지 구멍들에 사용가능할수 있는 도구들이 있어, 이곳저곳 사용이 가능할것 같습니다.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  2. G***d

    great blasting power when you pump it up, very impressed with additional features too, it can do sinks drains and toilets

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  3. M***a

    Wygląda że jest to dokładnie to samo co na aukcji, ale jeszcze nie używałam. Przyszło zapakowane bardzo dobrze w karton.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  4. T***s

    Прийшло на міст експрес десь за 2 тижні. Комплектація повна. Спробувала лише на невеликий тиск, бо боюся, що каналізація не витримає. Але є намір якось спробувати на повну.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  5. F***e

    reçu rapidement..sûrement efficace mais pas pour moi.. c est comme une pompe à vélo et une fois chargée on appuie sur une queue de détente…comme une carabine à plomb…ça envoie une grosse pression d air

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  6. Z***o

    Працює добре. Накачував до 4 атм. і стріляв вхолосту. По призначенню ще не пригодився. Доставили містекспрес.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  7. F***i

    Perfetto come descritto dal venditore .. penso di acquistare un altro di questo modello per casa in vacanza

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  8. M***h

    Genial, envío perfecto y funcionando. Vendedor Súper! recomendable. Muchas Gracias. Tiene buena presión y expele fuertemente

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  9. I***r

    משלוח מהיר הגיע עד הבית עדיין לא בדקתי
    הגיע ארוז טוב
    משלוח עד הבית תודה

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  10. 24loop Shopper

    Ich habe einen etwas komplizierten Zugang zum Abfluss meiner Dusche. 3 Erhöhungen für Schrauben verhindern ein einfaches aufsetzen des Gummi Anschluss. Aber es funktioniert mit dem kleineren Anschluss. Ich hatte es gleich auf 5 Bar aufgepumpt. Mein Siffon ist mir fast auseinander gefallen. Echt heftig! 2 Bar reichen voll aus. Das Gerät ist echt krass, wie eine Pumpgun.
    Lieber erst mal mit wenig Druck anfangen (1Bar), wenn der Abfluss wieder besser abläuft, könnt ihr den Druck steigern. Ich habe den Pneumatischen Abfluss reiniger in weiß, mit Nanometer. Mit 1€ Gutschein aus einer verspäteten Lieferung und Punkten, habe ich nur 12,47€ bezahlt. Das lohnt sich. Die Rohrreinigungsfirma verlangt 70€ nur für die Anfahrt! Damit lohnt sich das Gerät schon bei einmaliger Benutzung.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Helpful? 1 0
  11. J***o

    buena herramienta tanto del material de fabricación como de sus complementos para diversos tipos de desagües. carga bien de aire. a falta de probar en atasco real funciona bien.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  12. 24loop Shopper

    bien reçu ma commande, et il était bien emballer .
    pas endommagé.
    le produit fonctionne très bien.

    merci le service était excellent.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  13. 24loop Shopper

    Товар прийшов вчасно раніше запланованого комплект відповідає опису продавця рекомендую випробування ще не проходив накачував лиш до 4

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  14. p***n

    produto conforme o anúncio, muito show gostei muito

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  15. A***r

    A primeira impressão é boa, o produto parece ter qualidade, vamos ver se realmente funciona, se pressão o suficiente para desentupir uma pia, vou testar e volto para falar.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  16. g***z

    Reçu en une semaine, fonctionne parfaitement.
    Transaction parfaite Merci.

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  17. a***d

    very good quality thank you dear seller and many thanks to 24loop I recommend to everyone thàaaaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnks

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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  18. M***d

    30/06/2024 Receved Good quality product
    i am very happy thank you seller

    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
    Stainless Steel Toilet Pipe Dredger Pneumatic Household High-pressure Dredging Tool Set Thickened Wall Cylinder Sturdy And Safe
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